Friday, November 2, 2007

The Reflux Ramp

So I'm not a good sleeper at night, or so Mommy and Daddy say. I have reflux and I don't do so well when it is time to lay down.

Mommy and Daddy have tried everything to get me to sleep. They have tried the bouncy seat, the infant seat, the crib, the bassinet, and the swing. They have tried swaddling, pacifiers, holding me until I stop crying. The truth is I'm very particular.

After trial and error they have found something that works! We like to call it the 'Ramp'. The tools and series of events that must occur are very specific. They include:
  • The Boppy Pillow
  • A memory foam chiropractic pillow
  • The Swaddler blanket by Kiddapotomus
  • Loud and excessive 'Shushing' in my ear

The key is getting the chiropractic pillow strategically placed on the Boppy in such a way that it is at a 45 degree angle. Using a standard pillow at the bottom will prevent me from sliding down too far. The sides of the chiropractic pillow and swaddle blanket helps me feel secure like I was in the womb. And the 'Shushhhhhhing'. Well, I just don't get that one. So when you add it all up....

The end result? A very happy camper!

1 comment:

  1. Lisa - you are the most amazing mom! Not only can you handle reflux (I don't think I showered for 2 months), but you can make this tech-saavy blog and chart all of Ben's milestones. My favorite: being Shushed Ceasar Milan-style. Whatever works! You all look fantastic! Get some sleep!

    Brie Jenkins
