Wednesday, January 23, 2008

My First Photo Shoot!

Today I got my picture taken (by someone other then Mommy, that is). Wouldn't you know it, I had scratched my nose last night in my sleep.

Don't tell Daddy, but Mommy tried to put a little powder on there to cover up my blemish... only to realize afterwards she is a completely different complexion then me (um HELLO, I am a fine china doll, thank you). In the end we opted for the 'scarface' look over jaundice so please excuse any imperfections.

My combover is in full effect here. Notice the 'tuft' on my left side.

Oh, and here I am, completely disinterested.

This is a great shot of me gazing off in to the distance.
I'm counting down the minutes until I can take my next poop.

1 comment:

  1. Where did they find a baby Ben sized wicker chair? Even Cracker Barrel doesn't sink that low.
