Saturday, November 1, 2008

Trick or Treat!

Yesterday was my first trick or treating experience. My pals Owen (the skunk) and Reed (the chicken) came over to partake in the fun!

Our Mom's took us around the neighborhood to collect the candy while our Dad's handed out candy.

Here we are chilin' with our Dads!

You can see I'm already into the goods, I just couldn't contain myself!

Here I am, just monkeying around!

We were trying to get some pictures of all us boys, but we weren't very cooperative. This Twix bar was so enticing I run over to it instead of smile for the camera.

Here I am examining my loot! Mommy and Daddy were especially excited about this!!

It was a great time - thanks Owen & Reed (and your parents) for making my Halloween extra special and fun!


  1. LOVE all these pictures! So adorable!! The one of Ben in the tree is hilarious! We have one just like that of the Dads sitting on the steps!! I will try to remember to post it :)
    Glad you had such a successful Halloween Ben :) XOXOXO, E

  2. I like that you are teasing ben with a kitkat to get him to smile for the camera - you're so cruel! ;-)

  3. You guys look like you are having a great time together, but then again you boys always look like you are having a great time together. Thanks for sharing.
