Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Traditions

This year we implemented a few new traditions for the Sinclair family which we hope will be continued on for years to come. Or at least through 2012 when I am too tired to do anything with 3 toddlers and potentially a 4th on the way. (Note to readers, this is not our plan - however it was never our plan to have 3 kids in a span of 4 years either! I'm just saying... statistically speaking)

The first - The Elf on the Shelf. George (which the boys so kindly named) is one of Santa's elf. Each night he flies home to Santa to fill him in on their daily activities... you know, the progress on their sharing, clearing of their plates, and unnecessary fits. In the morning the boys would enjoy finding George's new hiding spot. Being that the behavior needed to be monitored early, the tradition of the Elf on the Shelf started in November. By Christmas George had made his rounds to every location known to man in our home.

The Advent Calendar was another tradition I thought would be fun. Each morning Ben would open the next door to reveal a piece of chocolate, quarter, sticker, tattoo, bible reading or instruction. When I would forget to fill the train door and I would quickly respond with "well clearly you have to behave better today as George didn't want to fill your door with anything special last night!" It seemed to work.

One of my favorites as a child... cookies and carrots for Santa and his reindeer. In addition we gave the boys a little special 'present' to open Christmas Eve which was new holiday PJs (we stole this idea from the Alexanders).

And that tradition lasted about 30 seconds.

1 comment:

  1. Love the elf idea! I will definitely need to try that when Phinn is older. Hope you all had a great Christmas :)
