Thursday, February 3, 2011

For the love of the crib...

I never thought that almost 4 years ago when Seth and I were shopping for our first crib we'd be considering passing it down for the ages. And why we even bothered buying the 'conversion kit' is beyond me. We never even had the opportunity to consider the crib as a 'toddler' bed for Ben or AJ. We were fortunate that neither boy ever tried to escape or climb out of their crib.

In any event, the time has come to prepare the boys for their new brother's arrival. And that meant trading up because I wasn't about to decorate another nursery. Seth painted Ben's room his favorite shade of yellow. And we got him bunk beds. With a trundle bed. Figure maybe one day the boys will want to have a slumber party. The transition was seamless... which comes as no surprise as we provided many train embellishments throughout the room to make him feel at home.

AJ then took on Ben's old room. I was a little nervous about this one. AJ loves his crib. AJ also received a little 'train love' in his new room. Surprisingly AJ's transition was also seamless. Both boys have been sleeping in their new beds for over a week with no issues.

And then there is the baby's room. Oh, sweet, sweet boy. We can't wait for your arrival! Get used to the hand me downs. While you'll never have the privilege to do something for the first time you'll always be our baby. Until #4 arrives. ;-)


  1. Kids are so much fun ;) We have four and boy do they keep me on my toes LOL! It's fun though.
    Good luck with the new baby.

  2. I thought boys called it a "sleep over" ;)
