Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Bunny Bonanza

Today Ben met up with Owen for an Easter Egg hunt at one of the area community centers. AJ took his usual position as wing-man from the stroller.

On your mark, get set, GO!

Ben was more interested in examining the 2 eggs he collected rather than fill up his basket like the other kids.

Then him and Owen decided to share their findings. This was really Ben just poking around in Owen's basket to see if there were any more desirable toys that he had and could snag from him.

Afterward I took the boys over to get a closer look at the Easter Bunny. AJ seemed all about him and excited at first...

And then....

Well, that didn't go over well.

Ben, on the other hand, knew better and kept his distance. When questioned on whether he wanted a photo with the Easter Bunny he turned around and made sure he was at arms length before giving his best Cheese face.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Holy Hair!

We all know how crazy AJ's hair looks these days. While bathing Andrew just now (stomach flu day 4 - emergency bath #3) I made the split decision to trim AJ's hair. While I thought I was helping him, I think he may be even goofier looking now! At least it's confirmed that this child does in fact carry at least SOME of my genes!

BEFORE: Jack from the Shinning...

AFTER: Chia Pet!

My biggest regret isn't cutting his hair, it's doing it myself (did I not learn ANYTHING with Ben?!). Unfortunately $12 and the drive to the barber was too much too handle right now. Sorry sweetie for making your first 'real' haircut nothing special!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

They all came tumbling down...

Last week Ben came down with a nasty stomach bug. We thought we were out of the clear, but AJ caught it yesterday. This is the worst AJ's ever been sick - he could hardly lift his head from the floor yesterday! We ask for your prayers that he stay hydrated as he isn't taking any liquids.

Needless today, we had one positive note today when Ben decided to give AJ a little boost.

Though he still wasn't thrilled about the idea.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Double the Tumbles

We enrolled both the boys in JW Tumbles. AJ attends on Thursdays while Ben is at preschool (and spends most of his time kissing his own reflection in the mirror or running out the door) and then he attends class with Ben on Saturday morning. Here are some photos I snapped last weekend.

While AJ was fixated on putting the bananas in the puzzle...

Ben was fixated on just acting bananas (it is worth mentioning that yellow is his favorite color these days!)

If AJ wasn't crying he was chasing Ben around and putting himself in harms way (by blocking the slide or positioning himself under Ben's feet on the trampoline)

You can see that Andrew's hair is about as wild and crazy as he! I hesitate to cut it because it's just part of him - though I can't go anywhere these days without the public commenting on his hairdo!

Friday, March 19, 2010

License to Drive... me INSANE

Things have been crazy around here! I've been meaning to post some photos for quite some time now, but these days I am usually running out the door without my camera... or AJ's shoes. A little bit about what we've been up to the past few weeks...

A few weeks back Ben busted his mouth, tore his upper frenulum, and chipped a tooth while running in the parking lot. AJ started Tumbles, Ben started Occupational Therapy for sensory disorder (though I'm still not convinced these sessions are helping his fear of the blender), and we are still seeing a speech therapist regarding AJ's feeding difficulties. All of this with the excitement of buying a house and trying to sell our home while both Seth and I work vigorous hours for our businesses. So pardon the delay, but be on the lookout for more postings with updates on our life and updated photos of the boys soon. :-)