Saturday, September 19, 2009

Ben's Thomas Bash

Ben doesn't officially turn 2 until the 21st, but we celebrated his birthday on Friday with some of his closest pals! It wouldn't have been a party without Thomas, so that was the theme for this year's celebration. We chose JW Tumbles (Ben's favorite place) as the venue.

Ben prepped by donning his Thomas shirt and conductors hat. Even AJ tugging from behind couldn't stop Ben from watching Thomas the Train on TV.

Unfortunately I could not capture a photo of Ben in 'action' at JW Tumbles. He was so wound up from the lack of nap (he was so excited it was his birthday) that he had sweat dripping down his neck and was flushed from all the fun. He had a blast.

AJ played footsies with his gal pal Logan....

But then took off crawling in favor of a swing.

Ben was all smiles as we sang 'Happy Birthday' until he realized that HE was the birthday boy. I think he was a little embarrassed by being the center of attention.

Having milk, egg, and peanut free treats didn't seem to stop Mackenzie and Caleb from enjoying their treats!

All in all, it was a great day. Thanks to everyone for coming out to play!


  1. Happy Birthday Ben! Great party. I hope you have a fun filled day today.

  2. Looks like you all had a great time. So sorry we had to miss it at the last minute.
