Saturday, February 21, 2009

When a Good Night Goes Bad

Last night we wanted to take the opportunity to enjoy our last meat-filled Friday for the next couple weeks (or maybe it was because Daddy just really wanted the limited edition Spicy Jalapeno Burger - whatever...) It was our first trip out together as a family and we were going to make it worthwhile!

So, we decided to hit up Red Robin. What better place to see and be seen on a Friday night in Ashburn, really? After all, Red Robin was Addie's post-op restaurant of choice, and was Elly's first adventure out with her family too.

Dinner was fun, I enjoyed my balloon and coloring. However on the trip home my night took a turn for the worst! I got sick in the car - my first time throwing up. I think Mommy was more upset then I was (Daddy hopes it was her hormones). Needless to say, the rest of the evening was a rough one - I spent a good deal with Dad in the bathtub until I finally passed out.

I managed to sleep through the night without too much complaint. So far I'm having a good morning dancing to the Doodlebops! Please keep the family in your prayers that we all stay healthy (especially my tiny brother, AJ!)


  1. Oh Ben, we are so sorry that you weren't feeling well last night. We hope it was only a fluke and that you continue to stay healthy.

  2. Get well soon Ben!!! I hope that AJ stays healthly!!! Hugs to your Mom! I threw up in my Mommy's car two days when I had that yucky flu!

  3. Poor Ben, we hope you are feeling like yourself soon and that AJ can stay flu free.

  4. How come I have 78 children and have NEVER thought of putting them in the bathtub to let the vomit bug run its course? Maybe this is why I have barf stains on my carpet. You are so smart.

  5. Ms. Brie -- our mommy was totally thinking the same thing when she saw this post.
