Friday, March 19, 2010

License to Drive... me INSANE

Things have been crazy around here! I've been meaning to post some photos for quite some time now, but these days I am usually running out the door without my camera... or AJ's shoes. A little bit about what we've been up to the past few weeks...

A few weeks back Ben busted his mouth, tore his upper frenulum, and chipped a tooth while running in the parking lot. AJ started Tumbles, Ben started Occupational Therapy for sensory disorder (though I'm still not convinced these sessions are helping his fear of the blender), and we are still seeing a speech therapist regarding AJ's feeding difficulties. All of this with the excitement of buying a house and trying to sell our home while both Seth and I work vigorous hours for our businesses. So pardon the delay, but be on the lookout for more postings with updates on our life and updated photos of the boys soon. :-)


  1. LOVE seeing new pics of the Sinclair boys!

  2. Wow, you have been busy! I can only imagine what life with 2 toddler boys is like. They are full of cuteness.
