Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Memorial Day!

After a great bbq with friends on Saturday, yesterday we hosted another large cookout and our first official 'party' for Memorial Day. Ben helped set up (which included unstacking all of the plates) and AJ strutted his stuff wearing Owen's hand-me-downs from last year.

It wouldn't be a party without children tugging at your legs, boys playing under the deck in the 'jail', or random neighborhood kids sneaking in to eat the leftover cookies.

And of course having Ben drain all of the water that was so important to keeping everyone hydrated.

30 Capri Suns, 36 hotdogs, 20 kids, 6 bottles of wine, and 4 quarts of mac-n-cheese later we've finally recovered. Thanks to everyone for making this weekend one we'll remember!!


  1. Thanks so much for having us at your beautiful new home!

  2. Only 6 bottles of wine? We're losing our touch.
