Thursday, October 28, 2010

It wouldn't be a Sinclair....

It wouldn't be a Sinclair if he/she weren't already wrecking havoc in the womb! Pre-term labor with Ben, Cervical Funneling with AJ, and an Incompetent Cervix with #3?!

After a crazy Tuesday of driving all over Northern Virginia it was determined I needed a ceclage put in, and yesterday I headed to Fair Oaks for just that. Let's pray baby stays put for a while and Momma can get around enough to do her daytime job!!

Good news is I was admitted long enough to get my free meal. One thing I am certainly looking forward to when I return next Spring. FOOD PREPARED FOR ME!!!


  1. Oh no Lisa. I am so sorry you are having to go threw all this. Please let me know if there is anything we can do to help. xoxo

  2. Please take care of yourself! Thinking of you.
