Monday, November 29, 2010


There is a lot to be thankful for this year - namely, NO MORE SYRINGES! At least for the time being... Both boys weaned off Prevacid this week and Zantac is a thing of the past! AJ still needs his daily does of Miralax to prevent turds that resemble tree stumps but all in all we'll take it. No more waiting after meds for meals - BRING ON THE CHICKEN NUGGETS!

In other news, Thanksgiving was a success. In other words, I didn't cook and enjoyed a fabulous meal. Seth sampled a little of Four Loco which made tending to the kids a little more bearable during dinner time (notice Seth chilling at the head of the table).

"Look Ma, my 5th biscuit!"

"I will do anything to piss you off, including clanging forks and spoons that cost more than your camera. "

As always, things get a little wacky at the Phillips household around the holidays. Grandpa swears that the boys are both musically talented (banging on the baby grand for 20 minutes confirmed this claim) and showed them how to play chess.

And it wouldn't end there - a ride on Nana's giraffe rounded out our amazing evening!

Of course I tried to get Seth to capture a great photo of me and AJ (ahem, I really just wanted proof that my hair looked amazing as Deniz styled it like Blake Lively's).

But instead we ended up with this big-nosed shot of AJ grabbing his noggin'

A special thank you to Nana and Grandpa for hosting yet another fabulous Thanksgiving - we will return the favor at Christmas when we serve you boxed potatoes on Chinet (the good kind though, with the silver plastic utensils!) Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving as well!



  1. Love your hair, it looks great! Looks like you all had a great Thanksgiving. The boys look so cute in their matching outfits.

  2. Love the hair, Blake!! You look fab. And wait, are you prego? Because I can't tell!
