Wednesday, February 2, 2011

$hit or Get off the Pot!

This must be addressed. One of my pet peeves. Granted, I don't have many, and if there were one thing my adorable little hubby would do to get under my skin, I have to say I have it easy. Regardless, when you let a 8 month preggo loose in the pantry in the midst of her 'nesting stage' there was bound to be a blowup.


I'm always wondering how we can survive on spending $75 a week at the grocery store. I open our pantry daily to see snack and cereal boxes, a fridge full of containers, and well our fruit basket is usually full too because, lets face it, we don't eat anything remotely healthy.

But... This. Must. Stop. I cleaned the pantry to find about 4 or 5 bags that had 'scraps' left in them. A box with 3 or 4 Cheez-Its floating around. A bag of Tostitos Lime Chips with 4 crushed chips remaining. Two Triscuits. A Life cereal bag with a cup of sugar comfortably resting at the bottom. Is this necessary to save?! EAT THE LAST BITE! It would be one thing if these items are consumed at a later date, but no. They just sit there. For weeks. Waiting to turn to mold. I'm not sure who this phantom ghost eater is fooling, but an intervention is necessary. I know this comes directly through the Sinclair gene pool, and I appreciate the need not to waste food, but wasting valuable shelf space in our pantry during these last precious weeks where I can eat whatever I want is not cool either. Think about it. (steps off soap box)


  1. My husband does the EXACT SAME THING!:)

  2. Uh, all my teenagers do the same thing! I open the pantry before I go shopping and see lits of food boxes so I assume I don't need to buy any of those items. A short while later the kids are telling me we are out of everything. I shake the boxes and realize that they are mostly empty. You would think that one of us would learn.
