Sunday, January 8, 2012

Celebrating our Fuzz

AJ turned three last week and like Ben he had a fun filled week of celebrations!

It started on Wednesday when he received his present after breakfast and exclaimed "I'm 4 like Benny!" and then a book reading by none other than moi at his preschool - The Little Red Caboose (he knows all the words by heart).

Thursday Marisa gave him a little extra attention by treating him to a trip to Target (his favorite) for cookies and an extra special present.

For his party on Saturday we decided to do just a family affair (when I asked him who he wanted to invite to his party he said "Ben" and "Thomas"). So that's what we did. We started our morning at Build A Bear workshop where Uncle Jon & Aunt Cori joined us. AJ had already pre determined he was getting a dog (which he brilliantly named "Doggie") and he was super excited to have his new pooch in hand. He chose a giggle sound which is so fitting for AJ.

Ben followed suit and get the exact same thing as AJ. Yay. His dog is named "B-ruff" and has a dog barking sound (the only way we can tell them apart, really!)

It was a fun adventure (even though they were terrified of the machines) and it was so cute to see them excited about their new pet.

We then hit up Chic-fil-a for lunch and finished with cake at Nana and Grandpas. AJ requested a 'Cars' themed party (I was happy to move on from Thomas) so thats what we gave him. Notice Nana's nice decorating skills!

Right as we were wrapping up Grandpa offered to take the boys on the metro to Union Station. Seth took Thomas home and the rest of us hoped in the car. They were eager to skip naps and brave the traffic. They had a great time (despite AJ's foot getting caught in the metro door) and enjoyed their first taxi ride through the city as well.

Needless to say, he slept well that night!

Thank you to everyone who made his week extra special!

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