Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend Fun

This weekend was jam packed full of adventures! Saturday morning Daddy and I walked across the street to visit Mommy in action at our church Flea Market. She was tying animal balloons like no ones business! Uncle Jon and Auntie Cori joined the fun too- I'm glad I got to see them!!

Afterwards, Miss Amanda, my #1 fan and MVB (most valuable babysitter), joined me at my first REAL pool adventure. The water was a bit nippy so we hit up the swings instead. We finished off the evening with a nice barbecue.

Sunday I took my first trip into the city. I went to visit my boy Joseph on Capital Hill. Why is it that I'm always scaring the new guys??

Uh oh. Roll reversal....

Monday afternoon I had a visit with Grandma and Grandpop. I love them soooo much. Although I will miss them dearly when they move to South Carolina, I'm looking forward to all of my adventures at their new lake house!!

I finished off my long weekend with a quick jaunt to the pool with Mommy. Life is good!


  1. Ben you sure do live the good life!!! I can't wait to go to the pool soon myself! Hope to see you sometime soon :)

  2. cools! i've never met anyones elsed who has their own bloggity at our ages...neat. come and visits anytime!
