Friday, July 25, 2008

Dumb and Dumber

Mommy just gave me a haircut that I'll never live down!!

Striking Resemblance??

I just hope I outgrow it by my first birthday. And I think the title of 'Dumbest' goes to Mommy for not keeping her scissors put away!


  1. Oh no Ben! We think you look great!! We remember a similar incident when mommy had a few glasses of wine and tried to tweeze her eyebrows...

  2. Oh Benny I love it! I think your Mommy needs to start cutting my hair. I bet she's a lot cheaper than Patrick. I was hoping we'dboth be sporting bad hair, but your's is way cuter than mine :)

    love you

  3. Oh goodness! Maybe just don't comb it forward... Good thing we're both such handsome dudes! And, good thing I don't have enough hair for my mommy to do anything with, she just shaves Daddy's head now. Hope to hang out soon!
