Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Hershey Park

Yesterday Uncle Jon took me and Mommy up to Hershey Park. We joined cousins Harry, Julia, and Kate, and Aunt Brooke & Tim. It was a great time!

Here I am with all the girls....

And the entire Phillips family!

Here is Kate on the Merry Go Round, and Harry giving me lots of love.

While the big kids rode this coaster (WOW, it was scary!!)....

Kate entertained me. I was all giggles the entire wait!!

And I got to ride my first ride ever- this Merry Go Round. Although I was holding on to Mommy for dear life....

Me and Aunt Brooke- she loves me so much!!

Here I am with my cousins- Julia, Harry, and Kate (she's a bit tired in this shot- but who wouldn't be!?)

By the end of the day, I was pretty beat myself. I zonked out on Mom's back and we headed home. Thanks everyone for a great time!!


  1. Ben, I loved tickling and playing with you, I miss you.
    Your bestest cousin, Kate!

  2. Ben -- It looks like you had a great time at Hershey Park. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Ben you are such a lightweight. You better be ready to rock Cedar Point by next Spring.
