Sunday, April 19, 2009

Breakfast of Champions... ALL day long!

While I have done a pretty good job of losing most of the weight gained with this pregnancy, Seth doesn't feel he has been as lucky (although I think he looks fabulous). In any event, he has decided to start a diet tomorrow that he feels will bring drastic results. I will be blogging the progress via this blog.

According to him, this diet will STRICTLY entail only the following items:

1. Cereal - any kind, but Raisin Brain and Cheerios are the selected 'go-to' brands right now.

2. Fruit Smoothies - and any fruit for that matter.

3. Salad - And vegetables of any kind.

4. Kettle Korn - "just for a treat" according to Seth.

5. Flavor Ice - A tasty dessert with virtually no calories!!

To add to the 'diet' Seth has also committed himself to 100 push-ups and 100 sit-ups a day. To go out with a bang, today Seth ate Wendy's (including 2 fries, spicy chicken sandwich, and two Frosties) and a selection of Chinese food (entailing General Tso, Sweet & Sour chicken and Lo Mein). Mmmmm, yum. What a porker I have married.

STATS as of DAY 0

Current weight: undisclosed (even to his wife)
Pounds lost: 0


  1. Go Seth! I hope you can do it... Sadly, I have still not lost the "baby" weight which officially can not be called baby weight after the baby is a year old!
    Lisa, Thats great that you have lost all yours... I'm so jealous!

  2. YEAH, SETH! Kick that weight with some Flavaaaaaaaa Ice - holla! That is a very, uh, imaginative diet. 100 Calorie bags of Kettle Corn are the BEST....especially when, like me, you eat 4 bags at once.

  3. Why is it that I eat ALL of these things and haven't lost any weight?? Hmmm...I guess the pizza, wine and cookies could be part of the problem. Good luck Seth I am sure Lisa will be keeping us posted and you on your toes! xo
