Friday, April 24, 2009

A Day in the Life...

"You forget." That's what everyone says about the first 12 weeks of your baby's life. Ben isn't even 2 yet and I feel like I have blocked out the bad details we suffered through with him. And it was bad. I don't think ANY of us will forget these first few months with Andrew, but to remind myself, I'm creating a typical 'Day in the Life with the Sinclairs'. This was about how my day went yesterday, and is pretty typical for our family these days.... I pray for the day AJ starts feeling better. He is almost 4 months old already and it has been so hard seeing him suffer for so long.

4:30am- We hear a scream - it's AJ. My turn.... I run to his room to prevent him from waking up Ben. Too late. AJ isn't hungry, but he is having a very bad reflux attack. Stiffening like a board he wails. Pacifier, no. Burp, no. Bottle? It will help calm him and keep the food down. I feed him, he poops. Ahhh, relief. Change him. Acid comes up, goes back down. You hear the gulping. Hold him upright until his attack subsides. Get back to bed around 5:45am.

6:30am- Ben is up. Typical. Seth's turn. Look at monitor. AJ has flipped from his tummy to back. Great - a new milestone. Too tired to care. Seth brings Ben downstairs so I can nap. THANK YOU SETH!

8:30am- I come downstairs. AJ is in his swing (woke up at 7am, screaming). Did he have his Prevacid yet? Seth needs to get to work. When did AJ last eat? Important, I need to give him his meds.

9:00am- AJ wakes up screaming. Reflux attack. Burp him. He is smiling. Quick, get the camera so I can post a 'happy Friday' picture and fool the world into thinking I have a happy baby. Give him his medicine. Great, must wait 30 min before feeding... Carry him around the house, bouncing feverishly. Pacifier is spit out, pick it up. This continues 5 or 6 times. Fine, feed him. More screaming and wailing. Okay Ben, I'll put on Thomas, again. Haven't we watched this episode 3 times already... TODAY?

9:30am- Bye Seth. Good luck at work. Sorry, I didn't have time to pack you a lunch. Too bad, you are eating popcorn and pineapple tidbits. Take an apple too. Ben needs a snack?

10:00am- Cleanup. Check e-mail. Laundry. Update Facebook. AJ is awake. Uh oh. Hold him, bounce him. Offer Ben 2 minutes of attention. Bulp syringe AJ's nose - congestion from reflux.

11:00am- Lunch time. What to fix.... Chicken nuggets, french fries, and peas, again. Peas are on floor, AJ is sleeping in the swing. Miracle! Ooops, he wakes up. Trapped burp. Carry him around. Has it been 1-2 hours since his last meds? Okay, offer Mylanta.

12:00pm- FINALLY. Nap time for Ben. Pick up toys... do I have time to pay bills? Client calls... needs a CMA on a house. Send more listings. AJ wakes crying, ready to eat. He chokes down the bottle. Great, I just put a fresh outfit on him - its all over him. Smells like acid. Done eating, not happy. Give him some Axid, timing is about right. 1 hour after his last dose of Mylanta.

1:20pm - Ben is up. Let's get dressed, going to the park. YAY, the park! Come downstairs, AJ is asleep. Awesome. Put him in the carseat. Phone rings... its the doctor. Okay, new dosage for AJ given his symptoms. Awesome. Fill diaper bag with snacks, milk, sippies, and pacifier.

2:00pm- Finally out the door. Make phone calls - kids are contained. Drive 1 mile. AJ is screaming. When did he last eat? Too soon to feed. 10 minutes pass, still screaming. Pull over, burb him, relief. Start driving, more screaming. Sorry Ben, gotta go back home. No park today!

2:30pm- Put AJ back in the swing. Call from Seth. Working late tonight. Ben goes on the deck to play. "Uh-oh. Uh-oh." What is uh-oh Ben?? Great, a splinter. Gotta go Seth! Thankfully AJ is asleep. Magical. Ben, here are some cookies to ease the pain.

3:10pm- Back in the car. Apt with pediatrician to remove splinter. Get to doctor - aww, what a cute family. Wait, am I wearing my slippers?! Screaming from Ben. AJ starts screaming. He is scratching himself he is in so much pain. Patients in waiting room must think something bad is going on. Nope. Just my boys.

4:00pm- Cutting it close. Time to eat AJ. More choking on the bottle. C'mere Ben. Time for YOUR meds. Play with your trucks. Thank you.

5:00pm- AJ smells like acid. Needs a bath. Ben, PLEASE cooperate and follow me upstairs. Bounce AJ. Hold him upright. Pace across the house. Relief. Sit down. More screaming... start pacing again.

6:00pm- Time for dinner Ben. Andrew, you need your meds. More prevacid. Realtor calls. Appraisal set up for next week. Let the clients know.

7:00pm- AJ is tired. Lay him in the crib. Time to get Ben to bed. Reading Ben a book. Is AJ crying?? Hurry Ben, a quick story. Goodnight. Rush to AJ. More reflux attacks and screaming, arching his back. I could feed him now, I guess...

8:00pm- Rocking, holding, swinging. Attack finally over. Time for bed Andrew. Lay him down awake, rush out. He falls asleep. Has he even napped today?? Do I have time to shower?

9:00pm- Dishes are clean, bottles prepared, laundry started. Did I eat dinner? Too late now! Get to bed... forgot water. Too tired to go downstairs. My throat is SOOO dry though! Brush teeth. Get in bed, pass out 30 seconds later.

11:00pm- Seth is home from work! What? AJ fell out of the reflux pillow? Fix him. More screaming? Reflux attack. Just hold him.

Midnight- Seth comes to bed. Everything okay? Did you have to feed him? I'm sorry, you are so tired. What? 4 bags of Kettle Korn today? Okay, I'll go to the store tomorrow... if I have time.

3:30am- More screaming. My turn. My aching back and legs and feet. Is this normal at 31?? The cycle continues!

Obviously this was a really bad day, but pretty typical. Some days are better than others. Some nights are better than others. Andrew falls asleep on his own, can go 12 hours without a feeding at night, and really is a happy baby when he isn't in pain. Today has been a good day. We just pray for the 'good days' and for him to feel better soon!!


  1. OMG Lisa I have no idea how you stay sane! I hope AJ feels better soon.

  2. This is the best birth control!!!!!!!! Lisa, you are amazing!!! Keep up the good work, girl!

  3. Oh Lisa, I am so sorry. I hope things get better soon. Poor AJ. Let me know if you need any help.

  4. Prayers for AJ and big hugs to you Lisa!

  5. You are an amazing mother, Lisa. Your boys are lucky you are their mama!
