Saturday, February 13, 2010

Potty Bootcamp!

Being trapped in your house for over a week makes you do crazy things! I figured since we weren't going anywhere any time soon I would put Ben through Potty Bootcamp.

There were three days of intense training. A timer would alarm Ben of his potty time every 15-20 minutes. To reward Ben he would receive a 'treat' after each successful attempt on the potty. Since I did not have M&Ms (or access to any) the first day, we rewarded him with Hershey's Kisses. And because I felt it was only appropriate to monitor his intake of sugar consumption, I ate 3 kisses for every 1 that he was rewarded. Needless to say, NEITHER of us got any sleep that night!

AJ mainly spent the time chasing Ben around and grabbing his butt since Thomas was planted firm and center on his underwear! Ben requested the 'cage' and I have to admit it was quite nice. The first day Ben loved being secluded from AJ with all the juice boxes, Goldfish, and pop-tarts he requested!

Ben realized that all these photo ops may come back to haunt him one day - he demanded "No photos going potty MOM!" in this one below.

With the exception of cleaning up multiple accidents, so far so good!

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