Saturday, January 10, 2009

The moment we were waiting for....

Saturday night was quite an adventure for the Sinclairs! I wanted to spend the day with the family as it was one of the last weekends before AJ's arrival (I had a c-section scheduled to deliver Andrew at 39 weeks on January 15th). We decided the best place for us to get our 'quality time' was walking around the mall.... It was my first adventure out of the house, really, since I was put on bed rest at 34 weeks. I started feeling 'not right' during our stroll and I should have suspected something when I had absolutely no appetite and let Seth finish off my milkshake! This picture was taken of Ben and Daddy the day before!

That night around 1:30 in the morning I started having contractions, and at 2:15 woke Seth to let him know this could be it. By 3:00 am my contractions were on top of one another and I reluctantly made it out of the house! We called our friend Cyndy to man the fort until Seth's parents could arrive and take over watching Ben. When we arrived at the hospital around 3:45 am I was already 9 CM dilated and ready to push! My water broke and I was immediately prepped for surgery. It was all surreal and happened so fast...

At 4:47am on January 4th Andrew James arrived into this world, and the dynamics of our family would change forever!


  1. What a great story you all have to tell AJ. He is so lucky to have such great parents and a great big brother. CONGRATS on your new baby boy.
